An Exceptional Gift – The Alfred-LeRoyer Collection
An Exceptional Gift – The Alfred-LeRoyer Collection
Published on May 2, 2023 by Mouillepied Historical Society
Four years ago, the Mouillepied Historical Society received a gift of a dozen paintings from the Lavigueur family, works of their relative, the amateur painter Alfred LeRoyer. Most of the pieces portray scenes or places in Saint-Lambert as the LeRoyer water treatment plant where Alfred and his father Étienne worked, the Marsil house, the Beauvais Blacksmith shop, Victoria Bridge. Some of these works were painted in the 1920s. This spring, the family made another donation of some wooden models : two tramway cars and the water treatment plant. It is a 1930 replica of this building’s first phase of construction in 1897, The Historical Society is very appreciative of this generous gift made by the LeRoyer/Lavigueur Family and they extend their thanks to them. A project to highlight these artifacts and other wooden models, should be ready for public exhibition in 2024.
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