Ecological Festive Floral workshop
Ecological Festive Floral workshop
November 23, 2023
07:00 PM - 09:30 PM
Maison Desaulniers (574, avenue Notre-Dame)

This workshop will give you ideas to decorate your home with simple but attractive floral arrangements for indoors as well as outside. Marcelyn (member of the Board) is not a florist but she’s been making ecological floral arrangements for year; she even gives them as gifts. You will learn how to makes them with festive pots for outside plus a homemade “Christmas tree” in a vase! Please join us for this fun event and go home with your own small festive floral arrangement.

The cost of this workshop includes everything you will need: vase, glass beads, greenery, flowers, ribbon etc. If you prefer you may bring your own vase and ribbons . We have 20-22 kits available and flowers will be offered in red and white. We will have plenty of beautiful, fresh green foliage on hand. Please bring scissors or shears to cut your greenery. Desserts, tea and coffee will be offered.

$10 for members and $20 for non-members. To register:

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