The Conservatoire de musique de la Montérégie, an organization whose mission is to train musicians and promote music, was created in 2003.
Training component
The training component is given at Saint-Lambert’s recreation centre (600 Oak Avenue) from September to June, primarily for a Lambertan clientele (81%). The Conservatory offers courses for all instruments and for several groups, including the Orchestre symphonique du Conservatoire de la Montérégie (OSCM).
Promotion component
The promotion component gives musicians the opportunity to perform at a number of events offered by the City of Saint-Lambert, in which they participate annually: the Rendez-vous culturels, Saint-Lambert Days, Festival Classica, and Christmas concerts held in collaboration with the Jardins Intérieurs and the Corporation for the Economic Development of Saint-Lambert. With its annual concerts, some of them staged in Saint-Lambert churches, the Conservatoire de musique de la Montérégie is able to showcase its cultural heritage. It also casts a spotlight on the City of Saint-Lambert by presenting concerts in large concert halls such as the Salle Claude-Champagne at Place des Arts and the Maison Symphonique.
A year-round service offer
The Conservatoire de musique de la Montérégie serves Lambertans from September to August, delivering a total of over 3,000 hours of services (including teaching and promotional activities) to the community. It has also partnered with the City of Saint-Lambert’s summer camp program for the past six years, offering music initiation activities to the young participants.
600, avenue Oak
Saint-Lambert (Québec) J4P 2R6